Flores Forbes
Flores Forbes is an urban planner, writer and former Columbia University administrator. He has written two books on race, radical urban politics and mass incarceration. His first book Will You Die With Me? My Life and the Black Panther Party… Continue Reading
Nathan Covington | Simone Weil, Neocolonialism, and Trauma
By Nathan Covington Simone Weil, Neocolonialism, and Trauma I. Question Posed This essay was spurred by a question raised during the seminar discussion on Simone Weil and cooperation. At the end of the class, Parker Hovis posed the question: Aren’t… Continue Reading
Amna Akbar | The Fight Against Cop City
Abigail George | Cooperation Through Identity
By Abigail George Cooperation Through Identity: A Case Study of Karl Marx’s Views on Cooperation and Association During the lively discussion between Bernard E. Harcourt and Étienne Balibar, a fundamental tension over worker cooperatives in contemporary capitalism came to light.… Continue Reading
Coöperism 9/13 | READINGS
Primary Readings: Daston, Lorraine. Rivals: How Scientists Learned to Cooperate (Columbia Global Reports: 2023). Available here.
Alma Steingart
Alma Steingart is an Assistant Professor in the Department of History at Columbia University. She researches the interplay between politics and mathematical rationalities. Steingart’s second book manuscript, “Accountable Democracy: Mathematical Reasoning and Representative Democracy in America, 1920 to Now,” examines… Continue Reading
Nicholas Lemann
Nicholas Lemann is the Joseph Pulitzer II and Edith Pulitzer Moore Professor of Journalism at Columbia University and the Director of Columbia Global Reports, a book publishing venture, and Columbia World Projects, a new institution that implements academic research outside… Continue Reading
William Deringer
William Deringer is an Associate Professor of Science, Technology, and Society at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research examines the history of those techniques and technologies of calculation that organize modern economic, financial, and political life. His work ranges widely… Continue Reading
Lorraine Daston
Lorraine Daston is director emerita of the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin, visiting professor in the Committee on Social Thought at the University of Chicago, and a permanent fellow at the Berlin Institute for Advanced Study.… Continue Reading