Coöperism 10/13 | READINGS

Readings* Black Panther Party, The Ten-Point Program (Oct. 15, 1966) available at Black Panther Party [The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation], The Black Panther Party: Service to the People Programs, ed. David Hilliard (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2008) available at… Continue Reading

Coöperism 13/13 | BIBLIOGRAPHY

Adams, Herbert B., ed. History of Coöperation in the United States. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1888. Akuno, Kali. The Jackson-Kush Plan: The Struggle for Black Self-Determination and Economic Democracy. n.d. Akuno, Kali, and Ajamu Nangwaya. Jackson Rising: The Struggle… Continue Reading