Chloe Howe Haralambous is a PhD Candidate in English and Comparative Literature at Columbia University specializing in migration and revolution in the 21st century. Her dissertation, The Rescue Plot: Politics, Policing and Subterfuge in the Mediterranean Migrant Corridor, examines fictional and forensic narratives of the sea passage between Libya and Italy, with a particular focus on the radical traditions of solidarity at sea. Parallel to her research, she co-founded the Mosaik Support Center for Refugees and Locals on the island of Lesvos, Greece, and worked as Advocacy Officer, Tactical Coordinator and Guest Coordinator on board the ships and aircraft of Sea-Watch, an activist organization that rescues border-crossers in the Mediterranean Sea. Her academic articles and journalism have appeared in Critical Quarterly, boundary2, The Journal of Modern Greek Studies, The Intercept and elsewhere.