
Coöperism 13/13 is sponsored by the Columbia Center for Contemporary Critical Thought, with generous support from the Center for Political Economy at Columbia World Projects and The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities. The series also has the support of the Institute for Comparative Literature and Society and the Maison Française.

This website was designed and produced by Luis Bello. Special thanks to Kiana Taghavi, executive coordinator of the CCCCT, for organizing and managing this series, and to Fonda Shen, former executive coordinator, for helping to launch this series. Eileen Gillooly at The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities, Sarah Monks at ICLS, Shanny Peer at the Maison Française, and many others have made this series possible through their support, encouragement, and generosity.

With deep gratitude,

Bernard E. Harcourt, Founding Director, CCCCT